EMODOT - Decentralized cryptocurrency-based Swap exchange & Staking

Hello everyone, this time I will introduce a very good project, Emodot. and for more details, let's just go straight to the discussion:


Emodot is Decentralized cryptocurrency-based Swap exchange & Staking. it is the suitable for any blockchain smart contract support ,that is fast, convenient and secure.

Emodot the only global mining operation.

Lend your digital assets to others for trading and earn an interest through margin trading loans.

Our mobility concept enables super-simple transportation and worldwide deployment.

Fully Scalable
Mobile and efficient low-cost hardware and optimized propietary management

High Growth
Our reinvestment strategy enables us to quickly grow our fleet of mobile units.

Creating a win-win for everyone

An exciting business opportunity should come with equally exciting rewards.

Early adopters can earn up to a 1000% profit based on the final token value should we reach our EMO tokens hardcap during our planned token sale event.

More than just a price jump

The EMO token sale events are unique as they offer tiered bonuses which include not only an increasing token price but also lifetime discounts, a commitment from us to support our tokens liquidity and future value, as well as access to future public sale,-Token sale, IEO events.


Token is a community of people who want to mine cryptocurrency profitably by combining resources to achieve savings on equipment and ultra-low-cost electricity.

  • 5 EMO
  • 1 ETH
  • Available 300 Tokens
  • Dec 05 2020 – 15 DEC 2020
15% Bonus
  • 5 EMO
  • 1 ETH
  • Available 300 Tokens
  • Dec 16 2020 – 22 DEC 2020
10% Bonus
  • 5 EMO
  • 1 ETH
  • Available 300 Tokens
  • Dec 23 2020 – 28 DEC 2020
05% Bonus
  • 5 EMO
  • 1 ETH
  • Available 300 Tokens
  • Dec 29 2020 – 05 Jan 2021

For More Details Visit:


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