The Interfinex Protocol has released the v0.9 Beta release

The Interfinex Protocol has released the v0.9 Beta release

The Future of Decentralised Finance

As explained in the first section, Interfinex is a protocol that will provide users with a variety of DeFi features such as swap trade and liquidity. The Interfinex solution allows users to swap their ERC-20 tokens to various other ERC-20 tokens by only paying a fee of 0.1% on all trades. Or become a liquidity provider by depositing an equivalent amount of ERC20 tokens into the pool and getting a return according to their participation.

Interfinex Features
  • Swap Trade: Allows users to be able to exchange their ERC-20 tokens to various ERC-20 tokens with a fee of only 0.1% on all trades or provide a referral and receive a 51% discount.
  • Liquidity Pool: Users can deposit their assets into a liquidity pool and start yield farming.
  • Interfinex Bills: The final 10% of all fees that are earned in the liquidity pools will be used to purchase Interfinex Bills. Later Interfinex Bills will be distributed to Interfinex Bill token holders.
You can purchase Interfinex Bill tokens here:


Interfinex plans to distribute 30% of tokens to exchanges. 10% of tokens will go towards marketing, 30% as community incentives, 20% to team members, and the final 10% to founders. This division is intended to support the operations and development of the Interfinex platform in the future.

In Conclusion

The presence of the DeFi protocol in the crypto market becomes "oxygen" for crypto investors who want to maximize their profits in the crypto market. With various DeFi features, it allows all participants in the decentralized ecosystem to benefit. Interfinex is a protocol that provides DeFi features such as swap and yield farming, which allows users to maximize their profit on the crypto market easily and safely.

For More Information:


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