SAVIX - First Self-staking Token

About Savix

Savix is the first self-staking token with a staking mechanic embeded into the ERC20 protocol. It offers many unique

  • Staking Is Gas-Free
    No need to "claim" staking rewards. Rewards do not cost any fees / gas. Fully automated and 100% passive with no need for any user interactions to participate, just HODL.
  • Easy to Use
    Rewards get distributed directly to a holders ethereum wallet. Open metamask and watch your balance grow. Does it get any easier?
  • Fair
    Our way to implement staking: we change the total supply and evenly adjust all balances along with it. A holders percentage of the total supply always remains constant.
  • Flexible
    Compatible with any DeFi project. Usable like all standard ERC20 tokens: pooling, lending, yield farming, etc. While it continuously yields holders additional tokens.
  • Compoundable
    Extra layers of passive income. Our upcoming Liquidity Incentivization Program "Trinary" will offer Savix holders three distinctive extra income streams.
  • Independent
    Tokens always stay liquid while earning rewards (no locking) and can be freely moved or invested into other DeFi projects.
  • Predictable
    Staking rewards are permanently determined by our mathematical staking functions. They produce predictable rewards at all times !
  • Stable
    Against cyclical dumps due to unlocking or reward releasing events. No specific selling incentives like with other staking protocols.

The Savix ecosystem consists of funds and applications which support the acceptance of cryptocurrencies and DeFi among non tech-savvy users in general and the spread and circulation of the Savix token in particular.

It is neither restricted to the Savix token technology or token holders nor dependent on these. Since the Savix is very easy to use there is a big opportunity of synergies between both (Savix token and Savix ecosystem) nevertheless.

Within the Savix ecosystem several decentralized applications (dapps) will be developed focusing on GUI functionality reduced to the necessary and aiming to integrate functions of currency / token exchange, trade, usage of DeFi products and wallet functions (Savix DeFi dashboard). As a first step of development a decentralized application called Trinary planned, which will collect Uniswap fees created by liquidity pools (LP tokens) and distribute those to participating investors.


The introductory price of the SVX token at the market will be 50 SVX / ETH. A private sale will not be executed. Public presale will be spilt into three phases, each phase – and possible sub-phase - having different discounts and processors. The public sale will start at Uniswap first and then be extended to traditional exchanges for increasing the reach of the token.

Token Details
  • Pre-sales: Jan 25, 2021 - Feb 21, 2021
  • Pre-sale token supply: 70,000 SVX
  • Token supply: 100,000 SVX
  • Total tokens for sale: 80,000 SVX
Token Info
  • Ticker: SVX
  • Type: Cryptocurrency
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Token price in ETH: 1 ETH = 60 SVX
  • Accepted currencies: ETH

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