Ferox Advisors - Hedge funds specifically for exchange-traded derivatives

Ferox Advisors - Hedge funds specifically for exchange-traded derivatives

About Ferox Advisors

Ferox Advisors is a hedge fund established in late 2013 specializing in exchange traded derivatives.

What is Ferox Advisors Ltd ?

Ferox Advisors Ltd is a private company and will always remain as such. There will be no public offering in the traditional sense of the term. Having noted interest from various sources into becoming shareholders to participate in all our future cash flows, we decided to launch a token generation event, so that investors can both benefit from FRX as a utility token while also getting entitled to pro-rata profit share from all company activities.

In addition, FRX token will have standard DeFifeatures of yield farming and liquidity mining, additional FRX and TRX dividends will be paid on users who stake FRX and FRX pairs via our DAPP with their Tron based wallets.

Smart Contract Details

FRX is a TRC20 contract, Tron Network is selected as our primary platform of choice because of its speed and efficiency. Also instrumental in our decision was the convenience to integrate multiple wallets directly to Tron Blockchain as evidenced from the success of multiple e- gaming ventures, which offer similar betting mechanisms to spreads and prediction markets, which we aim to utilize via DAPP’s on our website.

Ferox Advisors - Hedge funds specifically for exchange-traded derivatives


Ferox Advisors - Hedge funds specifically for exchange-traded derivatives

For More Information :


BTT Profile : cold_murchete


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