The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF)

The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF)

Hello everyone, This time I will review about a very good project from Whole Earth Foundation, which is about how to be able to direct open products, for example, air and air have long been accumulated in monetary matters. for more details, please refer to the following explanation:

About The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF)

The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) proposes to utilize the Whole Earth Access (WEA) stage to interface general inhabitants (or information providers) and structure expert centers by offering induction to an informational collection containing clear information about their structure, and an organic framework planned to work with correspondence and joint exertion. Whole Earth Foundation plans to make social change in structure the chiefs through open speculation using blockchain advancement.

Whole Earth Access (WEA) contains the going with three key social affairs:

1. Information Providers

Information providers (basically wide occupants) can get to the environmental data base and contribute data to secure utility tokens.

2. Infrastructure Service Providers

Establishment expert associations can utilize the common informational collection and instruments made by outcast creators to improve headway assignments' capability.

3. Partners

Partners can get to the biological informational collection to make novel contraptions that advantage the establishment and the environment, help broadcast our assignment and vision to the world, and considerably more.

The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF)

Game plan of Ecosystem Tools

To propel the usage and gathering of the WEA stage, WEF will give a lot of instruments to the people who wish to attract with our establishment dispatch associations. The general populace will really need to partner and access the environment informational collection and data responsibility. Collaboration with stages and data plan will be invigorated by researching gamification frameworks like using Missions to attract customers in endeavors. Customers would then have the option to administer and utilize the utility tokens they gain as a trade-off for various tasks.

Establishment related expert centers will acquire permission to environment data base. This data will enable expert associations to fabricate the adequacy of headway projects by moving toward by far most of the current information supervised by the neighborhood. They can in like manner misuse things made by untouchable fashioners.

Untouchable creators will similarly move toward the environment informational collection. They will be asked to research new uses of data for projects that advantage establishment and the environment. The Foundation hopes to work with accessories to ensure all endeavors line up with the foundation's vision.

Ecosystem Governance

At the present time, the WEC token is an ERC20 Utility Token ward on the Ethereum blockchain. We picked the Ethereum blockchain for its improvement as a decentralized stage that offers strong security and induction to a wide arrangement progression mechanical assemblies. As we progress, the Foundation will adequately search for organization structures that better assistance our targets and consider factors like flexibility and by and large regular impact.


The Whole Earth Foundation intends to think all system and common related endeavors all through the planet. As an early phase, we base regarding the matter of water, anyway the potential businesses of stages go far past water structure. Protecting and Creating Resources a critical piece of completing this philosophy is a system for assessing the value of the information gave.

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