SUGARFACTORY - BSC Based decentralized exchange protocol focused on Entertainment sector

SUGARFACTORY - BSC Based decentralized exchange protocol focused on Entertainment sector

About the Sugar Factory Project

Sugar Factory is a decentralized exchange protocol which allows users to swap trust-less tokens within the Binance Smart Chain focusing on the Entertainment sector.

One of our strategic visions within Sugar Factory is to create monetary incentives for the most committed and motivated users. Our unique goal to discover, guide and to invest in artists for their transition into the blockchain.

We are convinced that we can create a link between new technologies within Music and Art , by doing so we can pave the way for a complete new system. Sugar Factory aims to create an interactive and playful experience for all users in order to strengthen the community in the long run. By becoming a part of the Sugar Factory and lending funds through the magic of smart contracts, you will not only earn tokens but also be a part of changing the interaction between the Music and art business.

SuGarFuel Token

The SuGarFuel Token Protocol is a mixture of RFI tokenomics with the added function of an auto-liquidity generating protocol:

First, the dev has minted the tokens - sent the balance to DxSale - afterwards an amount of tokens will be burned manually for fair launch. The burning process will continue each week after the launch.

Second, we will utilize the DxSale protocol to foster trust in the community by auto-locking liquidity for 1 year (60%), while adding another 26% of the DxSale presale to the PancakeSwap LP

DxSale Locker: 60% Locked in PancakeSwap Liquidity via DxSale Locker for 1 year
PancakeSwap LP: 26% Added to the PancakeSwap liquidity pool for fair launch

Token Details
  • Symbol: SGFuel
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Name: SuGarFuel Token
  • Number of Decimals: 18

Token Transfer Statistics
  • Transfer Count: 3
  • Uniq Senders: 3
  • Uniq Receivers: 3
  • Total Amount: 24260000000 SGFuel
  • Median Transfer Amount: 10000000000 SGFuel
  • Average Transfer Amount: 8086666666.666667 SGFuel
  • First transfer date: 2021-05-16
  • Last transfer date: 2021-05-27
  • Days token transfered: 2

In conclusion:

Liquidi ty providers get a return based on the amount of liquidi ty they are providing into the pool as rewards.
SugarFactoryBsc aims to incent ivize i ts communi ty.
The SugarFactory exchange will close the gap between ar t and technology.

For More Information :

BCT Profile : cold_murchete


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