ESP COIN - Innovations in Education, Renewable Energy and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Hello everyone, Before going to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts to encourage adoption so that it continues to grow and continue to develop in the future. So for that, let's look at the brief review of the ESP Coin project below.

The ESP token has a very good and clear purpose. the impact will be very significant for increasing the effectiveness of the education system by using an ecosystem of technology-based products and services. One of the main problems in developing countries where education services will be launched first is the simple fact that most people don't have bank accounts, but everyone has a smartphone. This is the perfect app for utility tokens.

Over the past 3 years when we discussed the ecosystem with educators and service providers, it was clear that there were a number of challenges that utility tokens could overcome. This ranges from divorcing our services from the credit card/payment processing side, creating a decentralized content delivery network (CDN), and creating closed systems for certain services such as pay-to-view and pay-to-view services.

Targeting an international audience, it also raises the complex issue of Forex and payment methods for which the team from esp continues to develop thinking, it is also clear that many challenges and upgrades are considered and can be applied to many industries where it is likely to grow drafts.

Environment, Green energy, and Solar are very interesting. Here again we can see the making of a meaningful impact. We know that the average diesel-powered home saves the environment about 7 barrels of oil per year, or about 3000kg of CO2 per year. Over 30 years of solar system life expectancy, it works for 90,000kg CO2 per house!

  • Ticker: ESP
  • Type: Utility-token
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Token price in ETH: 1 ESP = 0.000000025 ETH
  • Accepted currencies: ETH
  • Public sales: Jul 15, 2021 – Jul 31, 2021
  • Pre-sale token supply: 50,000,000,000 ESP
  • Token supply: 400,000,000,000 ESP
  • Total tokens for sale: 50,000,000,000 ESP
  • Soft cap: 100,000,000,000 ESP
  • Hard cap: 150,000,000,000 ESP
  • Minted: (Fixed) 500,000,000,000
  • Total Supply: 499,982,722,274
  • Restricted Sold: 62,500,000,000
  • In Circulation: 3,495,262,520
  • Burned: 17,277,726

July 2021
  • Launch of E$P Token on Secondary Exchange
  • Launch of E$P Token of Secondary Blockchain
  • Chain Swapping Gateway Function on Website
  • Initial Solar Project Launch
August 2021:
  • Launch of POS Solution with Integrated Supply Chain Crypto Payments
  • Private Trials of Student Information System
  • Public Launch of T2E (Educational Content Delivery Platform)
  • First Token Buy Back & Burn
September 2021:
  • Add Additional Local Exchanges for E$P Token
  • Initial Public Launch of SIMS at select Institutions
  • Token Buy Back & Burn (Will Happen Monthly)
Q1 2022:
  • Launch of Decentralized CDN
Q2 2022:
  • Transition to Native E$P Coin

For More Information:

BTT Profile: cold_murchete
ETH Address: 0x446B9535e10291B8813a7E299951EE7D8f14486c


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